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Artwork Requirements

Tips and recommendations:
The quality of your imprint depends on the quality of the artwork supplied to us. Poor quality or low resolution images will produce poor quality imprints.

Delivery and production time will depend on the quality of artwork submitted. Artwork that requires conversion to vector form or requires touch ups will delay production and delivery. If you have any questions or have a specific time restraint please feel free to contact us and let one of our promotional specialist assist you.

Keep it simple we have found that basic black and white imprints work the best.

Acceptable artwork:
Please note that vector art is preferred and will allow for the best quality imprints and the fastest production times. Certain raster file types can be used however these may require touch ups or conversions depending on the product and imprinting process. A small fee may apply for artwork that requires touch ups or conversions.

All artwork submitted should be camera ready artwork with all text converted to outlines, paths or curves.

Preferred vector file types .AI,  and PDF. These files are normally created using Adobe Illustrator -AI 9 or higher

Raster file types accepted EPS, Tiff, Jpeg (layered if possible). These are normally created using Photoshop. Please note these file types may require touch ups or conversions a service fee may apply.

All artwork should be at least 300dpi (resolution size) at the imprint size for quality printing.

If your artwork does not meets these requirements or if you are unsure of your artwork file format feel free to contact us to discuss your project. Many file formats depending on the artwork complexity can be made print ready for no additional charge. For highly detailed and complex artwork a small fee may apply.

Artwork created for the web can not be printed as is due to the low resolution of these images. These type  of images will need to be converted to a print ready format.
Full color artwork:
All full color artwork must be a minimum of 300 dpi (resolution size) at imprint size to product a quality imprint. Images with lower resolutions can produce poor quality blurry imprints or require the imprint size to be reduced to produce a quality looking imprint. Due to the nature of these images we are unable to increase the resolution or detail of low resolution artwork. If you have questions or concerns about your artwork please contact customer service at 866-739-2147.
Stock artwork:
We have a wide range of stock images and artwork available that your company name, logo, state, city , attraction, or landmark can be added to for little to no additional cost. The addition of one of our stock designs can produce great souvenirs and promotional items without the cost of a full custom design. For more information and to discuss your project please contact customer service at 866-739-2147.

Custom Artwork:
If you would like or require a full custom design for your product this service is available. Pricing is determined on a job by job basis depending on the complexity of the required design. We offer highly competitive rates on all design services. Please contact one of our customer service representatives for more details.

WE DO NOT ACCEPT: Gif files, Page layout files such as Quark or Pagemaker, Word processing documents such as MS Word/Power Point, Photocopies or PMT's of photocopies, business cards, letterheads, fax transmissions, etc. (These formats are too low of quality to ensure you a quality imprint.)

E-Mail Art Only To: (No Correspondence will be accepted at this address) [email protected]

Upload Your Art: Click here to be directed to our file upload page. Please note the link will open in a separate window and direct you another one of our websites.

For registration purposes, all spot printed multi-color artwork should include a color composite and a black and white color representation. When sending your artwork via email it is very important that you included the following information.

  • Order number if order has already been placed. If for a pending quote please use quote.

  • Company Name, Your Name, Phone Number,

  • Item to be imprinted.

  • Name of program used to create art. If this is unknown please state that in the email.

If you are unsure if your art fits the above criteria please let us know when it is submitted and we will be happy to review it and see if it meets the needed requirements.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about product artwork. 

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